【同义词辨析】 2020-06-17 严格rigid-stringent

rigid: implies uncompromising inflexibility: the school's admission standards are ~.    compromise  1、双方妥协折中和解an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions,如eventually they reached a compromise他们最终达成了和解,如the secret of a happy marriage is compromise婚姻美满的秘诀在于互让  2、单方妥协,如sexism should be tackled without compromise处理性别歧视决不能妥协)     flexible灵活指受外力后变形,避免被折断,inflexibility和uncompromising意思相同,没有译出        (rigor泛指严格,如严格严厉严谨严密严酷,如the crime will be treated with the full rigor of the law这一罪行会严格审理,如academic/scientific rigor学术/科学严谨性,the analysis lacks rigor该分析缺乏严谨性,如the rigors of a harsh winter/war严酷的冬季/战争)

rigorous: implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty: the ~ training of recruits.      (rigorous指让人困苦的rigid,即比rigid程度重,如rigorous discipline/training严酷的纪律/训练)  

strict: emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or requirements: their doct put them on a ~ diet.    很常用,解释请记下来

stringent: suggests restrictions or limitations that curb or coerce: the judge's ruling is a ~ interpretation of the law.  这个词容易写错,前边是string        (curb路边的侧石,限制; coerce暴力强迫to force by violence or intimidation,如coerced into selling the business被迫出售生意)            如stringent laws严苛的法律/stringent budget拮据的预算

rigid严格: 指标准不放松不妥协,rigorous严酷: 严格到令人困苦,strict严格: 指始终遵守规则标准要求,stringent严苛: 表示约束限制等强制苛刻

记忆方法: 1)首字母RRSS想成诗人
杜甫"晚节渐于诗律细"<==严格              ""的意思是"不放松",原本上边还有两个口,形容坚持态度坚持,好像在反复叮咛

         2)严格的意思是mean extremely severe or stern.       severestern都表示严格,即不放松标准,是2019-04-10 严格severe-ascetic组前两个词,其中severe泛指严格,stern特指人脾气性格等严格,如a stern judge/face一位严格的法官/严肃的脸庞